
Lotty Keen 28th June 2023

Christine was a lovely friendly person who always had the time to stop and chat with you no matter the time or length since you’d seen one another. Many good memories of her in Newport pubs, including the time I made cupcakes for a charity event she was holding at Hogs. I’ll never forget one night out at Hogs in my early twenties, I wasn’t really drinking as I didn’t have much money at the time and Christine just handed me a fiver and said “get yourself a bottle of wine” (the days when you could get a bottle for a fiver lol) she was just a genuinely kind lovely lady who will be missed by many! Sleep well lovely lady, here’s the bottle of wine money back for your worthy charitable cause. Cheers! 🥂❤️

£10.00 (+ £2.50 Gift Aid)